Why Do we have this Web Site? This Web site is used as training board in Web Site Development. This means that you are likely to find some of the pages changed and even overall layout changed. We apologize for any incovenience that this may cause.It has been built to cater for both private and public references. The public reference is subject to the Web Policy herewith available by clicking on the Web Policy option. The site is a work-in-progress and so keep popping-in to see the latest. One of the goals of this site is to provide a regular journal on technology in the very near future. Online technology tips shall be offered with time too. The buttons have been mixed deliberately but wherever you are on the page you will still access your choice. The site shall continue to avail free educational links. A special case is on nursing career. Everybody agrees that the demand for nursing is a growing demand. Those interested can use this link to find more on nursing. This site was done and is maintained by Web-star(WW). Your visit is highly appreciated.
Swahili This is the fastest growing African Language spoken in East and Central Africa
Swahili Language term for internet is "Mtandao wa sitima".
Cyberconexo.net intends to enrich your internet experience in many different positive ways. More Swahili? Hi......Jambo How are you? Habari yako. Goodbye........Kwaheri
Conquering the wall!
An Evolutionary challenge. Enjoy it.